Feebleminded - Decision

Scripture Reading - Romans 14:5c GW (God’s Word)

. . . Every person must make his own decision.

In our study of “Feeblemindedness” we have touched upon many areas but one area that is reserved for today is “Decision” making. Previously we (ihlcc) mentioned that having a “feeble mind” is the same thing as having a “weak mind”. We spoke that there are various degrees of having a weak mind in the sense of losing total control of your thoughts up to and including just not being able to make a “decision”. Yes, if you know someone who cannot make a decision this is a milder form of “feeblemindedness”. One problem that we have seen with those in this condition is that they seldom recognize their personal predicament. They think that everything is going OK so why do I need to make an open or public decision. This reasoning may be logical to the specific individual suffering from this condition but it is a problem for other people. The truth of the matter is your private “decisions” are affecting people in the public arena. Yes, if we (as Born Again Believers) walk in the love of God we are encouraged to think about others over ourselves. Moreover we are commanded by Christ Jesus our Lord to Love others as we love our self. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that we communicate correctly with those around us through God’s Love and understanding. Yes, to not make a “decision” when others are in need of your “decision” is selfish (careless) and irresponsible. Although some people refuse to make a “decision” based on the fear of failure, making no “decision” is always the wrong “decision”. The important things in life require a commitment. Thus, they require a firm “decision” whether right or wrong people need to know what you are thinking. The “feebleminded” individual may sometimes shy away from making a sound (solid) “decision” for several reasons. The one previously mentioned was fear of failure. Many people don’t like to admit when they don’t know something but it is always a good thing to be honest. There are plenty of things we (ihlcc) don’t know but we simply ask people who do know for help until we better understand the issue and/or topic. Another reason people refuse to make a decision is due to a conscious effort not to play their hand. Yes, there are those people in the world who have a plan they are thinking about but they don’t want certain people to know their plan. The honest thing to do in those circumstances would be to simply tell someone who doesn’t have to know that you are not comfortable discussing that situation and/or your position with them at this time. If you want to be nice you could say if I do decide to discuss it more openly I will let you know. We (ihlcc) do agree that there will be some items that are not open for public or private discussion with certain people. However, we always are open for honest communication with those people close to us or those people in authority over (or under) us. We reserve the right to be silent (quiet) with some people who delight to be busybodies in other people’s business. We do not generally give place to people who like to gossip because we firmly believe personal business should remain personal to the people involved. It is a biblical practice to mind your own business, not the business of other people unless you are invited into it by the very people under discussion. Yet another reason some people refuse to make a “decision” is because they don’t know how. This is true for those people that were heavily reliant upon someone else. There is a multitude of individuals in the world today that were given (handed) the “decisions” of exactly what they should do over the next several years. Sad but true. So those individuals are somewhat helpless when that close guidance counselor is removed. This happens quite often to some spouses where the more dominant one makes all the “decisions” while the softer spouse (more passive one) goes along with it. This also happens to some children who have overbearing parents that have planned their children lives to the extreme. Not only is the childhood planned, but college and adulthood is controlled too. Even with those three reasons for “indecision” there is still more because some people can’t make a “decision” because they can’t really understand what is going on around them. Yes, these would be people suffering from mental diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer and so on. They want to understand but since their mind is so weak (feeble) they lack the strength to put two and two together in a rational order or with a definite conclusion. As we (ihlcc) stated in another article please be merciful to these types of individuals because the truth is had it not been for the good grace of our God we would all be mentally unstable. Yes, dear faith friend, be wise as the serpent (the evil one) but as harmless as “The Holy Dove (The Holy Spirit)” by watching and praying for these people as best as you can while you spend time in their presence. Remember to have mercy, for God so Loved the world that He gave the Holy Child Jesus as a pattern that we should so love the people in the world that we give them God’s Holy Word of peace and truth in the Holy Spirit of God’s Comfort. We (ihlcc) have learned over the years that if someone really doesn’t understand what you are talking about it is pointless to try to persuade them otherwise. You can’t force knowledge, understanding or God’s wisdom upon another, either they see the truth of your words or they do not. If they do not then you likewise do not force the issue. Remember when people get to Heaven they can see Jesus Himself and their understanding will be a thousand times better and so will ours. So while they are here upon this earth allow them to be ignorant of your concerns as long as they are able to seek God for His concerns and their own personal concerns involving Him. Amen!